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Fond du Lac Rugby Inc.

Fond du Lac Rugby Inc. was created in 2004 in response to the rapid growth of rugby in theFond du Lac area.  The formation of The Stoutmen high school boys rugby team in 1999 marked the beginning of our journey.  The popularity of rugby at this level led to rugby being added to the local middle school phy-ed curriculum, the formation of a men’s team in 2002 and  a girls high school team in 2005, and a U15 “flag rugby” league in 2006.


Fond du Lac Rugby

Stoutmen - High School Boys: Fall 7s and  Spring15s                              Contact - Coach Sean Schaefer

Jr Stoutmen -  Middle School Tackle Boys and Girls : Spring             Contact - Coach Sean Schaefer

Sirens - High School Girls: Fall 15s and Spring 7s                                     Contact - 

Boomers - 1st - 8th Flag:  Winter Program & Summer Program     Contact - Coach Brian Langolf

Wolfpac - Men: Contact - Dave Rosenau 

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    Sponsored by Adashun Jones

    Adashun Jones

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    Sponsored by Nemesis Metals

    Nemesis Metals

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    Sponsored by Netsplice


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    Sponsored by TNT FITNESS


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    Sponsored by Jack's Team Sports

    Jack's Team Sports

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    Sponsored by Russ Darrow West Bend Toyota

    Russ Darrow West Bend Toyota

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    Sponsored by North Country

    North Country

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    Sponsored by Culvers West

    Culvers West

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    Sponsored by Wabash - Fond du Lac Operations

    Wabash - Fond du Lac Operations

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    Sponsored by Roffers Lanscaping

    Roffers Lanscaping

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